December 4, 2015
Listed below are the warning signs visible to a business or consumer customer that their system/network may have been compromised:
- Inability to log into online banking (thieves could be blocking customer access so the customer won’t see the theft until the criminals have control of the money).
- Dramatic loss of computer speed.
- Changes in the way things appear on the screen.
- Computer locks up so the user is unable to perform any functions.
- Unexpected rebooting or restarting of the computer.
- Unexpected request for a one time password (or token) in the middle of an online session.
- Unusual pop-up messages, especially a message in the middle of a session that says the connection to the bank system is not working (system unavailable, down for maintenance, etc.).
- New or unexpected toolbars and/or icons.
- Inability to shut down or restart the computer.